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Gardening at Carolina Meadows

Author: Caroyln Koenig

The joys of gardening are evident at Carolina Meadows. In the summer of 2012, a state-of-the-art fenced garden opened to the delight of resident gardeners. Those who missed their former home gardens, as well as those who had never gardened but had a yen to try, signed up for individual plots. Their efforts have produced beautiful small gardens that have generated enthusiasm among both gardeners and visitors.

The 72 individual plots are 4 feet x 16 feet, and all beds are raised 2 feet high or more for easy access. Water is available throughout the garden from hoses attached to conveniently spaced spigots. Enriched soil has helped ensure that plots will be productive. Gardeners have planted a variety of vegetables—often mixed with flowers—and some have planted flowers only.

Word has spread, and new recruits are signing up. Those who wanted to start small are sharing space in some of the plots. Old hands and new recruits alike are taking great satisfaction in eating and sharing food and flowers that they raised themselves.