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Calling All Writers

Author: Myrna Merron

The call for manuscripts has gone out at Carolina Meadows. In the spring, we expect that humorous short stories, serious essays, creative non-fiction and delightful poetry will once again fill a new issue of Voices, the literary journal published annually by residents of Carolina Meadows.

Initiated by a group of residents, the journal draws on the creativity and experiences of Carolina Meadows’ multi-talented population. What began as an activity run by a cooperative group has become the production of a volunteer staff that includes an editor and editorial board.

From September 1 to December 31, residents and people on the wait list submit their work. Two anonymous readers review each unsigned manuscript according to criteria such as interest of topic, appropriateness, and clarity of writing. Depending on the genre, the reviewers note whether the writing is informative or affecting. The editor and members of the editorial board also review the articles. When they reach consensus on a decision about publication, they notify the authors.

Cover art for each issue also comes from resident artists. The Club Center’s changing exhibits of residents’ paintings, drawings, and other art works offer many possibilities.

An Authors Reading in the spring celebrates the publication. Typically a standing-room-only occasion, this event features selected writers reading their own work from the newly published journal. It is always a treat. And there is plenty of time for sales, refreshments, and conversation afterward.

All proceeds from the sales of Voices go to the Residents Association, which underwrites the production.