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Fine Fare at the Fairways

Author: Carolina Meadows
Carolina Meadows resident Lovick Miller discusses his time as a POW during a presentation in the Fairways Gallery.
Carolina Meadows resident Lovick Miller discusses his time as a POW during a presentation in the Fairways Gallery. Photo Credit: Joe Mengel

In a bombing mission over Germany on September 12, 1944, Carolina Meadows resident Lovick Miller’s B-17 was shot down. Parachuting safely, he and another American airman spent several days scavenging for food and hiding from German soldiers. Finally captured, Miller was taken to prisoner-of-war camp Stalag Luft 1. Here he spent the next nine months until liberated at war’s end by Russian soldiers.

On a recent afternoon, before a capacity audience in the Fairways Gallery, Miller brought to life his gripping adventure of nearly 70 years ago. Grainy photos of himself as a handsome young aviator were projected on a large screen, helping to transport all present back across the decades to a war that had been a defining moment in the history of the world.

Whether it’s the suspenseful account of life in a prisoner-of-war camp, a sing along with pianist Cory Sims, learning to meditate with Dave Asperson, recalling the courageous life of Nelson Mandela with Ken Broun, or watching a video on the Philadelphia Flower Show, the Fairways Gallery offers programs that are of interest to a range of Carolina Meadows residents.

For classical music lovers, the Gallery’s regular Friday morning Music Appreciation program with music historian Sam Marion is as enjoyable as a college course – without the exams and term papers! Sam discusses the life and work of a composer and then presents a video of a concert featuring the composer of the day. Anyone would find the program a delightful prelude to lunch.

After lunch (and possibly a siesta!) one might return to the Gallery for one of the monthly Thoughtful People programs.

The residents of the Fairways have the welcome mat out for all their brother and sister Meadows residents. Keep an eye out for notices about Gallery Happenings. There’s sure to be something of interest. Add the Fairways Gallery to the Auditorium and the Lecture Hall as a venue for stimulating, entertaining, and creative experiences.

By Bill Powers