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Celebrating 90th birthdays

Author: Bob Lackey

Late in the summer, the thirty residents at Carolina Meadows born in 1925 received a festive invitation to a luncheon in the private dining room to celebrate their birthdays. Ginnie Jobe, acting as a committee of one, was carrying on our tradition of celebrating 80th and 90th birthdays of residents. This is my 90th year and I met with 16 others plus several guests to enjoy the menu she chose and the program she designed.

Each of the four tables displayed a centerpiece composed of a small tree branch with several twigs devoid of natural leaves but sporting maple leaf cutouts with a resident’s color photo and name on it dangling from the twigs. Seating was not assigned so people at each table would get up and distribute the named leaf to its rightful owner!

The celebrants themselves provided the entertainment. Timed to two minutes, each would tell what life was like or the most significant event they could remember up to the age of ten. For some, the memories were significant life guides. One reported a clear memory of a happening at age four. 

Many of us were Carolina Meadows residents at age 80, and we recalled the 80th birthday party for our 1925 group with about 30 attending. Ginnie helped produce that one too, heading a committee of three that time. We wondered at the possibility—and probability—that she will organize another party for our 100th . And who will come?