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Stage 1 Re-Opening

Author: Carolina Meadows

Effective March 29, 2021
Subject to change

March 22, 2021

Dear Residents:

The health and safety of residents and staff remain a top priority at Carolina Meadows. The enclosed plan describes initial steps for re-opening the campus with modified operations. The enclosed plan represents the first of four stages and considers Governor Cooper’s Executive Order for the State of North Carolina as well as guidelines from the CDC. Note that the Pines and Fairways’ operations are also subject to additional federal and state requirements that are incorporated into the plan.

As we begin the process to safely resume in-person engagements at Carolina Meadows, we ask that all residents, employees, and guests commit to the minimum personal health protocol shown on page 4. The observance of these practices will protect everyone in our community. Individuals are encouraged to adopt additional protocols consistent with their specific needs and circumstances to help protect their own health and safety and that of others at Carolina Meadows.

Executive leadership will continue to assess conditions for each stage to decide whether to move to the next stage, retain the stage for an extended duration, or even to regress to a prior stage if conditions dictate. The decisions will be continuously evaluated and communicated through our regular, virtual Town Hall meetings. Administrative guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation. Individuals should stay informed and take the opportunity to seek guidance and/or clarification on our Virtual Town Hall meetings.

Because of the hidden nature of this threat, we ask residents to rigorously follow the practices specified in this protocol in order to facilitate a safe and measured reopening of Carolina Meadows. Thank you for your patience an support in observing practices that protect all our neighbors and employees in our community.

In good health,

Ben Cornthwaite

Minimum Personal Health Protocol Required for All
Residents, Employees and Guest
  • Understand the potential risks of going out: With some restrictions on-campus being reduced, you may be looking for ways to resume some daily activities as safely as possible. While there is no way to ensure zero risk of infection, it is important to understand potential risks and ways to adopt different types of prevention measures to protect yourself and to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Click link to see what makes activities safer?
  • Hand hygiene: Wash or disinfect hands upon leaving home and after any interaction with others or the use of high touch surfaces. Keep hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol readily available.
  • Physical Distance: In public settings that have people from more than one household present, maintain at least 6-8 feet separation from other individuals not within the same household.
  • Wear a Mask: Face coverings are required anywhere indoors at Carolina Meadows that is not a private residence. Face coverings are not required to be worn outside for fully vaccinated residents walking
    about the campus, although some residents may elect to do so out of an abundance of caution or when gathering in groups.
  • Self-screen before leaving your home for any of the following unusual or worsening signs or symptoms of possible COVID-19. If you experience any of the following, stay home and contact the Carolina Meadows Medical Practice immediately at 919-370-7102 (regardless of your provider). If you experience any of the below symptoms after normal business hours, please use your emergency pendant to alert our emergency response team
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Chills
    • Muscle or body aches
    • Headache
    • Congestion or runny nose
  • Keep a daily calendar with the names of any close contacts you had, especially if physical distancing or masking was not achieved. This will help with contact tracing if necessary. Consider installing SlowCOVIDNC on your smartphone.
    • Loss of taste or smell
    • Nausea / vomiting
    • Unusual fatigue
    • Sore throat
    • Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 99.0 degrees Fahrenheit or 2 degrees above your normal temp
Visitors to Independent Living — General Campus Safety Requirements
  • Prior authorization for visitors is not required, but residents should assume the responsibility for communication and adherence to the campus guidelines for their guests.
  • Residents should confirm that visitors are free from signs or symptoms or current diagnosis of COVID-19. If they have had COVID-19, they must postpone their visit until they no longer meet CDC criteria for transmission-based precautions or have received clearance from their local health department.
  • Visitors who have traveled internationally, on a cruise ship, or outside the contiguous United States should postpone a visit to our community for at least 14 days after travel is completed.
  • Visitors are required to practice safe social distancing and wear a face mask anywhere on campus that is not a private residence.
  • Visitors are prohibited in the Club Center and Activities building during Stage 1, though they are welcome to participate in outside activities while accompanied by a Carolina Meadows resident.
Fully vaccinated individuals can:
  • Visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing masks or staying 6 feet apart. On-campus gatherings should not exceed 6 participants in a private home.
  • Visit with unvaccinated people from one other household indoors without wearing masks or staying 6 feet apart if everyone in the other household is at low risk for severe disease.
  • Have an overnight guest in your home.
The CDC recommends that fully vaccinated people continue to take these COVID-19 precautions when in public, when visiting with unvaccinated people from multiple other households and when around unvaccinated people who are at high risk of getting severely ill from COVID-19:
  • Wear a well-fitted mask.
  • Stay at least 6 feet from people you do not live with.
  • Avoid medium and large-sized in-person gatherings.
  • Avoid dining indoors at local restaurants; though outdoor dining is acceptable.
  • Alert the Carolina Meadows Medical Practice and get tested if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
  • If you must travel, follow CDC and health department travel requirements and recommendations.
  • Adhere to the CDC guidelines for running essential errands off-campus
  • Have vendors providing in-home services and caregivers providing support for essential needs follow all appropriate safeguards (masking, social distance, etc.)
  • Club Center and the Activities Building will be open from 6am – 8pm daily. Visitors are prohibited from entering Club Center or the Activities building during Stage 1.
  • Masks are required while indoors and in all meeting / amenity spaces.
  • All restrooms in Club Center and the Activities Building will be accessible to anyone in the building.
  • Monday-Saturday patrons can check out books from 10am – 3:30pm. The Library will be closed on Sunday.
  • Patrons will sign up online for appointments. There will be a limit of 5 patrons for each 20-minute segment.
  • Patrons will be limited to 4 books (only 2 “new” books) and 2 DVDs each visit.
  • We will not resume delivery of newspapers until the Library is fully open.
Resident Volunteers: Pines, Green, Fairways and MAP For questions, please contact Amy Gorely at (919) 370-7213.
  • Resident volunteers, i.e., those with Pines, Green and Fairways (PGF) Friends and MAP, are encouraged to begin volunteering across campus. Examples of volunteer work include caring for plants in the Pines and visiting with residents who live in higher levels of care. Community volunteers who live outside of Carolina Meadows are also allowed to come into the higher levels of care to volunteer. Before any volunteer may visit with a resident, the volunteer must be properly trained and oriented. Volunteers will follow safety protocols and adhere to all visitor precautions. Some volunteers may be notified of their requirement to adhere to the COVID-19 testing requirements based on their function and/or frequency.
Carolina Meadows Gift Shop
  • We will open Monday, April 5 with social distancing in the Gift Shop (maximum of four people—two customers, one cashier and one sales assistant). Other customers must sit in the hallway (6 feet apart). We ask customers to kindly wait if you observe four people in the store.
  • Home Shopping services will continue to accommodate those who prefer.
Carolina Meadows Finance and Business Office Contact Terry Hart at or 919-370-7207 for billing questions or appointments.
  • Office Hours will consist of morning and afternoon time slots. Hours will be between 10am – 12pm and 2pm – 4:00pm.
  • Appointments are required and will follow appropriate precautions.
  • Please check in at the Club Center Reception desk upon arrival. We will meet you there to escort you to a meeting spot.
  • We are happy to assist with your questions by email, phone or by appointment.
Admissions / Tours
  • Admissions to the Fairways will continue to be accepted. A negative COVID-19 test will be required within 72 hours of admission. Complete move-in protocols will be reviewed with new residents as needed.
  • Tours will be conducted by appointment only. No more than 2 people are permitted in the tour party at a time. They must be screened at the door and wear a mask and will only be taken to predetermined vacant apartments of interest. Tours may not enter occupied residences.
Activities/Wellness We will continue with 1:1 activities in residents’ apartments and group activities in common areas or outdoors. Group size will be limited and based on the ability to maintain at least the 6 foot social distance requirement.
  • The Exercise Studio is now open 24/7 and will continue to accommodate a maximum of three people at a time. Equipment must be cleaned by each user after use and masks must be worn while exercising.
  • Staff may begin to use the Exercise Studio. Please be courteous of residents wanting to use that space.
  • Fairways residents may access the Activities Building (including the Pool and Fitness Center) as described in the “Wellness” section below.
Beauty Salon at Assisted Living
  • The salon is open, and appointments are required. To make an appointment, call the Salon at 919-968-6164. Proper cleaning and sanitation occur after each client, and high touch areas are cleaned often. Masks are required for all staff and residents. Disinfected capes will be used with each client.
  • The Fairways dining room is open for lunch and dinner for asymptomatic residents. Residents are required to wear a mask when not eating/drinking and maintain 6-foot social distancing. Please note that because of the social distancing requirements, we cannot accommodate visitors or other non-Fairways residents at this time.
  • Residents are permitted to leave the Fairways. There is no quarantine period required for residents when they return from an outing.
  • Visitors are allowed to visit in the Fairways or Green residence with certain limitations:
    • Two visitors at a time will be permitted per visit during Stage One. Visitors should not visit multiple residents during the same visit.
    • A child is welcome as one of the two visitors if the child can follow proper masking and social distancing protocols.
    • Within the building, visitation is restricted to the residence or designated, reserved common areas only.
    • State requirements dictate that visitors must wear a face mask and adhere to 6-foot social distancing for the duration of their visit.
  • If you prefer to schedule a visitation in a common area instead, you may do so with our Sign-Up Genius link. Contact the Fairways for the link.
  • Upon entering the building, all visitors must check in at the screening kiosk and use hand sanitizer. Visitor(s) must wear their printed visitor sticker for the duration of their visit.
  • At this time, we cannot accommodate visitors in our dining room or in activities. Overnight visitation is not permitted in the Fairways during Stage One.
  • Visitors who have traveled internationally, on a cruise ship, or outside the contiguous United States should postpone a visit to our community for at least 14 days after travel is completed.
  • Visitors who are unable to adhere to the above requirements should not be permitted to visit and will be asked to leave.
  • The CafĂ© will return to regular hours of 7am-3pm with full menu 5 days a week for carryout only, Monday – Friday. Residents will be required to wear a mask and socially distance while waiting in line to place order and pick-up items. No eating or drinking will be permitted in the CafĂ©.
  • The Bakeshop will return to normal operating hours of 7:30am-7pm, Monday – Saturday. Residents will be required to properly social distance and wear masks at all times while in Club Center. Floors will be marked for proper social distancing. No eating or drinking will be permitted in the Club Center.
  • Reopen for take-out only. Lunch will be from 11am-1pm, Monday – Saturday. Dinner will be 5:30pm-7pm, Monday – Saturday. Residents will be required to wear a mask and socially distance while in the Marketplace. Floors will be marked for proper social distancing, and hand sanitizer stations will be placed around the Marketplace. Made-to-order items, such as deli and grill items will not be offered in order to allow a steady flow of traffic through the Marketplace. Residents will follow the path around the Marketplace, pick up any items they wish to purchase, and pay at the cashier station. Staff will be stationed around the Marketplace to assist residents and help expedite the process.
  • Weekly menus will continue to be distributed to residents each Friday and will include the lunch options.
  • The Pub will not be open at this time for dining. We anticipate this venue will be open at 50% capacity in Stage 2.
  • The Courtyard will not be open at this time for dining. We anticipate this venue will be open at 50% capacity in Stage 2.
Meal Deliveries
  • Evening meal deliveries will continue for any resident who wishes. The delivery fee for this service continues to be waived at this time. Because the CafĂ©, Bakeshop, Marketplace, Pub and Courtyard will all be closed on Sundays in Stage 1, delivery will be the only option for the Sunday meal.
Maintenance Work Orders
  • Regular maintenance repair and preventative maintenance activities have resumed across all campus operations. Continue use of PPE in occupied dwellings and residential units.
Resident Handyman Contractors
  • Contractors continue to be allowed access to resident homes to perform services such as painting, carpet cleaning, electrical and plumbing work, etc. Resident & contractor must wear masks and other PPE, as appropriate, while in the same space together.
  • Admissions continue to be accepted. A negative COVID-19 test is required within 72 hours of admission.
  • Staff will monitor new admissions closely for symptoms of COVID-19 and report immediately to the provider if symptoms are present. A COVID test will be done immediately. If results are positive, then the resident will immediately be relocated to the COVID-19 Recovery Unit.
  • New admissions who are fully vaccinated and who also do not have a known exposure to COVID-19 in the prior 14 days will not require any isolation or enhanced safeguards. However, a person who is not fully vaccinated will be required to be put on isolation precautions for 14 days.
Visitors In accordance with regulations, indoor visitation for family and friends will continue if no positive cases exist in The Pines and the Chatham County positivity rate is below 5%.
  • Visitors will enter through the hilltop covered entrance (clinic entrance) and perform screening as required.
  • Two visitors at a time will be permitted per resident during Stage One.
  • Volunteers may visit residents but only one resident per visit. Volunteers should not visit multiple residents during the same visit. Volunteers must adhere to all visitor precautions such as masking, hand hygiene and social distancing.
  • CNA and Nursing students along with interns may return to The Pines for clinical rotations providing The Pines is the only clinical rotation assigned. Programs must provide documentation of COVID-19 infection control education, and students must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test.
Indoor Group Activities Indoor activities may resume after 14 days if there are no positive cases in staff or residents in the Pines.
Residents who are showing signs of respiratory illness or are on transmission-based precautions for COVID-19 should not participate in group activities. The following guidelines will be followed:
  • Group size will be limited based on the ability to maintain at least the 6 foot social distance requirement.
  • The staff will clean and sanitize activity equipment and supplies per manufacturer’s instructions, between uses and as needed.
  • Entertainers will be allowed for small groups if social distancing can be maintained. Entertainers must pass proper screening, use PPE, and practice handwashing requirements.
Pines Ancillary Services Ancillary services will be allowed providing there are no active COVID-19 cases.
  • The Pines Beauty Shop services will continue for asymptomatic residents by appointment only. Only one resident will be in the salon at a time. Masks and shields will be worn by the salon staff. Residents will be encouraged to mask whenever possible.
  • Podiatry and Audiology services will resume. Services will be provided in individual rooms with mask and shields. Hand hygiene will be performed between residents also.
  • Rehabilitation services will take place for all asymptomatic residents. Treatments in the therapy gym will require at least 6 feet between residents. Staff will clean equipment thoroughly between residents.
  • Rehabilitation services for newly admitted asymptomatic, quarantined residents may take place in the resident’s room until the 14-day quarantine has passed.
Pines Dining Communal dining will be initiated providing there are no positive COVID-19 cases in the Pines.
  • The Hatteras Dining Room will open with limited capacity based on space availability. Couples will be allowed to dine together providing they are residing in the same room.
  • Due to space limitations, it is unlikely that a non-Pines resident will be able to dine with a resident in the Hatteras dining room, though we will do our best to help with accommodations elsewhere.
  • Residents will be prioritized for dining based on resident needs, preferences, and space availability.
  • Social distancing will be supervised and maintained.
Ongoing Testing Requirements
  • All health care staff are being tested according to CMS guidance and the Chatham County test positivity rates.
  • Residents will not be routinely tested for asymptomatic screening.
  • Symptomatic staff and residents will be tested immediately, and isolation precautions initiated immediately pending test results.


Pool Please call 919-370-7114 for questions
  • Pool use will be by reservation. (See Monday – Friday 8:15am – 3:45pm, with the exception of Wednesday 9:15am – 3:45pm
  • There will be a reduced number of showers for pool participants only
Group Exercise Classes in Exercise Studio Please call 919-370-7114 for questions
  • In-person classes taught by employees at the Fitness Center will resume.
  • Zoom classes will continue.
  • A maximum of 15 participants per class, spaced 6 feet apart may participate.
  • (The April calendar will provide specifics)
Fitness Gym Please call 919-370-7114 for questions
  • Open 6am – 8pm daily. Staffed Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm. No reservations needed.
  • Please use the sanitizing wipes provided to clean any equipment before and after use.
Housekeeping Please call 919-370-7133 for questions
  • Normal cleaning schedule
  • No changes to current housekeeping services
Transportation Please call 919-370-7120 for questions
  • As normally scheduled
  • Ridesharing with other CM residents may be required for some trips.
  • Resume non-passenger concierge services (i.e., Pharmacy pick-ups).
  • Transportation to worship services by reservation
  • Shopping bus to resume with modified schedule and destinations. (See the transportation flyer for destinations and pickup / departure times).
Resident Services and Concierge Please call 919-370-7153 for questions about Resident Services.
Please call 919-370-7315 for questions for the Concierge.
  • Open 8am – 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Some services require an appointment, such as notary services.
  • Business Center occupancy will be limited to 3 residents at a time. Reservations must be made through the Concierge or Club Center Receptionist.
Guest Rooms
  • The on-campus guest rooms will continue to remain closed in Stage 1. We anticipate this service will likely resume in Stage 2.
Resident Business Center
  • Occupancy is to be limited to 3 residents at a time. Reservations must be made through Concierge or Club Center Receptionist.
  • Please use the sanitizing wipes provided to clean the keyboard before and after use of the computer.


Activity and Meeting Room Protocol
  • Meeting rooms require reservations. For reservations or questions, call 919-370-7171 or email or . Required guidelines must be coordinated between activities staff and meeting planner in advance. Residents bring their own supplies (if required). These rooms are limited to resident use during Stage 1. Outside visitors and guests are prohibited in all meeting rooms in Stage 1. Mask wearing and social distancing are required for all indoor amenities at Carolina Meadows.
Activity and Meeting Room Capacities (room set up may decrease capacity) We are operating the meeting and conference areas on campus at 30% of fire capacity in accordance with Governor Cooper’s Executive Order. The maximum number of participants allowed is shown below.
  • Auditorium – 100
  • Board Room – 20
  • Lecture Hall – 50
  • Game Room – 24
  • Activities Building Conference Room – 8
Outdoor Events (Carpark)
  • Outdoor events require reservation. Seating will be provided 6 feet apart. Required guidelines to be coordinated between activities staff and meeting planner in advance. Outside visitors welcome, though priority is given to residents in the event of capacity constraints.
Group Outings
  • On hold
Outdoor sports
  • Open. Outside visitors are welcome with accompaniment by CM resident.
Billiards (now located in the Game Room)
  • Billiards require a reservation due to its location in the Game Room.
Indoor Sports and Art Spaces (including Pottery Studio)
  • Open
Apartment Building Lobbies
  • Indoor gatherings with CM residents require participants to be masked and socially distanced (capacity limited according to square footage). Given social distance requirements, precinct meetings are recommended to occur virtually. Engagements involving food and/or drink should be done in individual apartments during Stage 1.
The Medical Practice Of Carolina Meadows
  • Medical Practice hours are Monday through Friday from 9am – 430pm, by appointment only. Masks must be worn at all times.
  • Initial COVID prescreening will occur by telephone prior to the appointment.
  • After entering the Pines through the clinic entrance, please walk directly to the Medical Practice and check in with the front desk receptionist.
  • Residents should exit the building after their appointment. No direct access to the Pines from the Medical Practice is permitted at this time.
  • Please do not enter the Pines building or come to the Medical Practice if you have any COVID symptoms or exposure to a Covid-19 positive individual. Call the office for specific instructions from a medical provider about an appointment.
  • Request prescription refills by calling 919-370-7102, option 2, and leaving detailed information including your name, phone number, medication and dose, total number requested and pharmacy. Please allow 1-2 business days for completion.
  • Dr. Shelly Cristobal is seeing patients in the Medical Practice Office on designated Monday afternoons. Schedule appointments through the Medical Practice Office.
  • Dr. Stephanie Sjoblad from UNC is seeing patients in the Pines conference room. Her patients must complete Pines screening at the clinic entrance before proceeding to the Pines conference room. Call her office directly at 919-493-7980 to schedule appointments.
Behavioral Health Services
Seven Hill Associates
  • Dr. David Jarrett and Kathy Rinehart, LCWS, LCAS are only scheduling Telehealth appointments. No in-person sessions at this time. Telehealth appointments are scheduled through the Medical Practice Office.
Chapel Hill Dermatology
  • Terry Henges, PA is scheduling patients the first Thursday of every month in the Medical Practice. Appointments are scheduled through the Medical Practice Office.
Genesis Rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitations services will return to the Pines as of March 29th. For any questions related to Genesis Rehab, please call 919-904-7059 or Lindsay Sturtz, Director of Rehab at 919-370-7110.
  • Dr. Judith Hodgins is seeing patients two times per month in the Medical Practice. Please call the Medical Practice Office to schedule an appointment.
Resident IT Support
  • We will continue to provide on-site service for residents and maintain social distance with appropriate PPE. For questions or assistance, please contact Art Diorio at 919-370-7203.
Prospect Tours Virtual information sessions will continue and be conducted 2X per month for those that have never visited CM. 1:1 appointment with waiting list and ready list members will be reserved for the Welcome Center by appointment only. An open-air golf cart will transport visitors to available villas and apartments. In the event of inclement weather, the resident will drive in his/her own vehicle with sale staff following in his/her own vehicle.
Marketing Ambassadors Weekend, Weekday and Healthcare Ambassador support will remain postponed with anticipation to return in Stage 2.
Refurbishment Selections Meetings Refurbishment meetings will continue to be conducted as the incoming resident desires. Those engagements may be virtual or in person, and either on or off campus. When in person, proper social distancing and mask wearing is required while in the same space together.
Move-Ins/Move Outs Home offers will continue as usual with masking protocols and social distancing. New resident closings will be conducted in the Welcome Center by appointment. Residents will have scheduled move-in dates assigned by the Marketing Department. Movers and family members assisting with move-in/move-out are asked to follow masking protocols. No screening is required prior to moving into Carolina Meadows. Vaccination status will be encouraged and obtained prior to move-in.
Marketing Communication The public website will be updated to reflect the current stage of reopening. The Meadowlark will be sent monthly to all Waiting List/Ready List members. Activities reflected on the public website will be updated to reflect stage of reopening.
Contractor Services Contractors necessary to provide move-in/out services continue to be allowed. Resident(s) and contractor(s) must wear masks at all times while in the same space.
Special Events Special events held by the Marketing Department will continue via zoom for outside guests until a later stage of reopening.