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Easy Living

Author: By Jan Ryder

In an earlier blog I wrote it has been revitalizing to become a member of the vibrant community at Carolina Meadows. Why do I feel that way, you may ask? There are many reasons why.

Perhaps I should start with the things that are no longer concerns as a resident at Carolina Meadows. The absence of home maintenance headaches is high on my list. A quick request to plant operations and light bulbs are changed, a faulty window is repaired, or a troublesome garbage disposal is fixed. No stress living is what I call it. Having no homeowner headaches alone is energizing.

Downsizing to some can be stressful. There are lots of decisions to be made, but once they were made and I settled in at Carolina Meadows, I discovered how having less stuff was a good thing.

More importantly, after the move was complete, was the freedom to explore new endeavors, to regenerate interests set aside at earlier stages of life, and to revel in sharing my time and talents with others. Things I had dabbled in earlier were now things to revisit. Paint brushes were dusted off, sketch pads were filled, time for more reading was available, and writing creatively was rediscovered.

I like helping others. As part of the Residents’ Association, I can help others in our community by keeping them informed, by assisting neighbors, and by sharing ideas. Personally, I benefit by meeting people from varying backgrounds who live in other neighborhoods. Common interest and backgrounds are discovered, and new friendships are forged.

Weekly there are lectures, classes, and social activities available. I am encouraged to be up and out and participate. There is no pressure to participate so I think of it as being casually busy. Busy is a good thing in my mind and it makes me happy. This is a diverse community and I know folks who prefer quiet walks, reading in a cozy nook, bird watching, gardening, or chatting with neighbors on the patio. Life here is comfortable whether you are sports minded or philosophical, an introvert or extrovert. Variety is abundant. As Shakespeare wrote, “to each his own”.

I am strengthened by my community. I am involved, and I am positive that my choice to live here at Carolina Meadows was the right choice.