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Enthusiastic Turnout for Mid-Term Elections

Author: Gayle Ruedi
Photo: John Haynes.

Carolina Meadows is recognized for residents with deep  political interests. They showed up again for the mid-term elections on Tuesday, November 4.  Because of the high turnout in direct voting we have our own satellite precinct held in the CM Board Room.

Outside the Board Room doors residents joined a long line that moved swiftly with voters from both parties chatting amicably while waiting to sign in and receive their ballots.  The machines worked well and there were no issues inside the poll.  Our vote tallies were available before 8:00 p.m.

Of our 758 registered voters, 549 voted in the Board Room. That is a turnout for voting of  72%, the highest in the county.  We know some residents voted early and while these numbers are not included in the CM totals, the final turnout rate will be somewhat higher. The Chatham County 2014 election is in the history books.