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Playreaders Group Offers Opportunities for Aspiring Actors

Author: Carolina Meadows
Members of the Carolina Meadows Playreaders group practice in the auditorium
Members of the Carolina Meadows Playreaders group practice in the auditorium

Have you ever aspired to become an actor on stage?

Are you held back because you feel you can’t possibly memorize enough lines?

Well, Carolina Meadows has the answer for you. It’s an opportunity through a program called The Playreaders. Periodically this group of amateur thespians puts together a series of one-act short plays for the benefit of Carolina Meadows residents and their guests. But, those who attend must bring their imagination, for the stage setting is bare, to say the least.

The most recent Playreaders presentations took place in the auditorium in the spring. Harvey Sage, who serves as co-chairman of The Playreaders along with Barbara Rodbell, was director of the four plays and introduced each, which were about 10 to 15 minutes in length. Rodbell was the producer.

To set the stage for each play, Harvey explained what the table and chairs onstage represented; that is, a pair of chairs close together were identified for the audience as a set of twin beds. In another scene, a sign stood on a table identifying it as a pharmacy. With the exercise of a little imagination, it was effective.

Flight Dreams, the first of the four plays, featured Elaine Kurtzer, Charley Kahn, Henry Landsberger, Shirley Brazda and Harvey Sage. This was followed by The Man Who Couldn’t Dance, featuring Shirley Brazda and Harvey Sage. The third play, Marred Bliss, starred Shirley Brazda, Irv Rimer, Henry Landsberger and Elaine Kurtzer. The final play of the evening, Duet for Bear and Dog, starred Irv Rimer, Henry Landsberger,Elaine Kurtzer, Charley Kahn and Shirley Brazda.

It’s obvious from the cast of those four plays that the talents of these Carolina Meadows residents were exhibited in a variety of different characters in several different plays.

Residents and members of the Waiting and Ready lists who are interested in trying out for one of these Playreaders productions can let Harvey or Barbara know, or they can simply come to the auditorium and enjoy the performances of others here at Carolina Meadows.

By Clarence Whitefield