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Politics at Carolina Meadows

Author: Sue Anderson

Thanks to the organizational work of our Candidate Forum Committee, which includes Democrats, Republicans, and unaffiliated voters, Carolina Meadows residents have had multiple opportunities to educate themselves in preparation for the upcoming election. We have residents of various political persuasions on campus, and a series of three forums on successive Mondays in September gave all of us a chance to hear from candidates who are hoping to win our votes.  The first forum focused on candidates for the North Carolina Senate and the North Carolina House of Representatives.  Candidates for the Chatham County Board of Commissioners and the Chatham County School Board spoke at the second forum. Judicial candidates appeared at the final forum, which included those hoping to be elected to the North Carolina Supreme Court, Appeals Court, and Superior and District Courts.

Good planning was evident. The meeting format gave each candidate an opportunity to make a three-to-five minute opening statement. Questions followed the opening statements. In responding to these questions, which had been prepared by a resident subcommittee, candidates kept their comments to one minute. Comments by residents afterwards indicate they left the forums feeling better informed about the candidates and the issues. Campaign literature provided by the candidates will remain on display outside the auditorium until Election Day.