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Residents, Staff Visit UNC-TV to Present Check, Take Pledges On-Air

Author: Carolina Meadows
Shannon Vickery, left, receives Carolina Meadows' check from residents Don Stedman, Helen Stedman and Roy Carroll as residents and staff look on.
Shannon Vickery, left, receives Carolina Meadows’ check from residents Don Stedman, Helen Stedman and Roy Carroll as residents and staff look on.

A group of Carolina Meadows residents and staff helped raise more than $45,000 recently forUNC-TV during its annual Festival fund-raising campaign.

“We are thrilled to report that the Carolina Meadows team helped UNC-TV raise $46,953 last night!” UNC-TV staffers wrote in a congratulatory letter. “What a terrific evening for North Carolina public television — we could not have done it without you.”

Campaign Co-chairs Don and Helen Stedman, along with Residents Association President Roy Carroll, appeared on-air to present a check from Carolina Meadows for $21,500, the most ever given by Carolina Meadows in its long association with the statewide public television network. The check was presented to Shannon Vickery, host and director of productions for the public-affairs program “North Carolina Now.”

“Carolina Meadows has enjoyed a long and happy relationship with UNC Public Television, and it works to everyone’s advantage,” said Co-Chair Don Stedman. “This year is the 11th year that Carolina Meadows has partnered with UNC-TV to raise funds here and to participate in the statewide campaign as well. Our fund-raising effort is the best ever, and we look forward to improving on that next year.”

Carolina Meadows Chief Operating Officer Elsie Norton, left, takes pledges on-air with Vice President of Plant Operations Joe Zannini.
Carolina Meadows Chief Operating Officer Elsie Norton, left, takes pledges on-air with Vice President of Plant Operations Joe Zannini.

Mr. Carroll said that many Carolina Meadows residents enjoy UNC-TV programming, including historical dramas and “programs that introduce people to North Carolina’s wonderful heritage.”

He said that as beneficiaries of the programming, Carolina Meadows residents feel a responsibility to serve as benefactors who help provide funding.

“I’ve always taken a position that the programs UNC-TV brings us are priceless, but someone has to pay the cost,” Mr. Carroll said. “Our residents have always been very generous in supporting the campaign. It’s a given for the residents of Carolina Meadows that they’re going to receive real value for their dollar when they contribute to UNC-TV.”

Co-chair Helen Stedman noted that residents’ generosity isn’t limited to the UNC-TV campaign.

“The generosity of the residents here is a wonder to behold,” she said. “Every campaign this year – Food Bank, United Fund, Employee Appreciation, UNC-TV – has gone over the top. We are truly a caring community.”