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The Snowman

Author: Chris Schmidt

Every year, at our Club Center,
a looming snowman greets all who enter.
His fans, with eyes near tearing,
find him merry and endearing.
They note, among his many charms,
his jolly smile and outstretched arms.
And when it’s dark, he’s all aglow.
(Quite a feat for a man of snow.)

For others he’s not one to cherish;
he strikes them as lamentably garish:
clad in stripes and overfed
with a wire basket on his head.
They think he belongs in another spot:
a McDonald’s or a used car lot.

Although he can both appeal and appall,
he brings the Season’s joys to one and all:
his arrival gladdens many hearts;
others applaud when he departs.

But . . . he’s been showing signs of wear
(which are not covered by Medicare).
So, as the Holidays draw near,
the question is: “Will he appear?”