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Two Ladies on Ladders

Author: Ruth Leopold

It’s a pleasure to walk down the hall at Carolina Meadows Club Center. Why? Because of the beautiful art work displayed on the walls. There are 33 pieces hanging now, watercolors, oils, photographs, intricate creations in needlepoint, finely wrought quilts and a “knock- your-socks-off” piece of woodworking. Where have they all come from and who arranged them so beautifully?

Every piece of art was created by a Carolina Meadows resident. Anyone here who wishes to can contribute to the hall gallery as long as the work is an original by that resident, and has not been hung here previously. The exhibit changes three times a year.

Betty Kent, along with her husband Bob, arranged the art and hung it for a mind-boggling 17 years. Beverly Milton and Susan Durfee are responsible for the present show. They carefully recorded each piece when it was dropped off in the Board Room by the artists. When the show is finished, the artist must sign for the piece when s/he picks it up. This ensures that there will be no “orphaned” art work.

Next Beverly and Susan determined the best placement for each work and set about hanging everything. This involved a lot of scampering up and down ladders as they adjusted the height of each piece for optimum viewing. Some of the pieces are heavy, and hauling them to their proper positions was no easy task.

Ideally, the pieces should be dropped off in a “ready-to-hang” state, but sometimes they need repair. Margaret Zircher sees to this task, re-gluing frames, tightening wires, or whatever else is needed.

The good news about the hall gallery is that it will be bigger when the mailboxes are removed. The bad news is that no new residents at Carolina Meadows submitted art to the current show. So, how about it, Newcomers? Submit your creations for the next show. We’re all anxious to see them.