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Your Choice, Your Way

Author: Written by Theresa Farrington, Melissa Kass, Myrna Merron

Three meals, a snack, or two in between? Few of us eat three meals plus snacks— how would we ever remain svelte? — but for the hungry who exercise robustly, Carolina Meadows can provide for their needs.

Residents consider themselves fortunate to have six dining venues from which to choose. From the elegant Courtyard to the informal Pub to the homey Café, you can get your choice your way. In addition, you can relax in the newly created Piedmont with a glass of wine or cocktail and a plate of small bites or take out your dinner from The Marketplace. If you are still hungry, the Bakeshop can supply ice cream and cookies.

Unique to Carolina Meadows is staff mingling with residents at lunch in The Marketplace. Teresa, a staff member looks forward to Fried Chicken Friday, “The fried chicken is loved by residents and staff alike. It’s just something about the flavor and aroma that draws you in.” Another staff member compares the lunch menu at The Marketplace to the variety one enjoys on a cruise—hamburgers, salad bar, dill salmon with green beans, and sandwiches are just a few of the offerings. “That’s why I don’t bring my lunch to work,” states Melissa.

Despite the variety, are there complaints? Yes! Handling those complaints is the resident Dining Committee. The group, which consists of a representative from each precinct in the Meadows, meets monthly with the VP for Dining and other staff members involved in food preparation, not least of all the Chef. Negatives are discussed—too much salt, not enough salt, veggies too hard, veggies too soft, not enough veggies, diet balance. The topics cover a range of thoughts and ideas and almost always arrive at a resolution. Residents may submit issues to their representative or fill in a card that now can be found on their phones; compliments are happily accepted. It should be noted that the dining staff makes note of each resident’s food allergies.

Residents proudly bring visitors, especially family, to dine with them usually in The Pub or The Courtyard. It’s fun to witness grandparents and grandchildren happily enjoying together a BLT in The Café or filet mignon in The Courtyard. There is something for everyone.

Salad Bar